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To the Parents of students in Grades 7-11   Course scheduling for the 2016-2017 school year begins on Wednesday, January 20th and Thursday, January 21st.  Students will select their elective courses in the Media Center with the aid of their guidance counselors.  The course selection sheets and graduation requirements can be found on the Midland Park High School website under “Guidance”. If you have questions or would like further clarification on these courses, please contact your student’s guidance counselor. Ms. Fasciano, ext. 214 – Last names: A-Le  [email protected] Ms. Chase, ext. 213 – Last names: Li-Z    [email protected]   Nicholas Capuano Principal
Posted by NCapuano  On Sep 17, 2018 at 9:38 AM
To Parents of Students in Grades 7-12   Report cards for the second marking period are online for students in the High School and Middle School.   You can access your child’s report card through the PowerSchool portal, the link to the portal is on the high school home page.  If you have trouble accessing the portal please contact the Guidance Office 201-444-7400 ext. 212.   If you have any questions regarding grades please contact your child’s teacher. I encourage you to check your child’s grades throughout the school year and contact their teachers if you have any concerns.      Nicholas Capuano Principal
Posted by NCapuano  On Sep 17, 2018 at 9:38 AM
Midland Park Jr./Sr. High School is hosting a College Financial Aid Information Night Monday, October 24, 2016 at 8:00 p.m. in the Media Center.   We will have a speaker from the New Jersey Higher Education Student Assistance Authority, an independent authority of the State of New Jersey.    There will be time for your questions to be answered.  Parents and students are welcome. Please R.S.V.P. to the Guidance Office at 201-444-7400 Ext. 212   Nicholas Capuano Principal
Posted by NCapuano  On Sep 17, 2018 at 9:38 AM
Blue Moon Mexican Café in Wyckoff is hosting a Community Night for Midland Park High Jr./Sr. School’s Holocaust Education Program on Wednesday, April 13 2016 from 11:30 a.m. – 9 p.m.  Blue Moon will donate 20% of every bill that is presented with a coupon to support the MPHS Holocaust Study Tour.  Blue Moon Café Coupon (click the hyperlink to view the coupon) Thank you
Posted by NCapuano  On Sep 17, 2018 at 9:37 AM
On Wednesday, November 2, 2016 there will be a 12th grade orientation for current 11th grade students and their parents in the High School. Media Center at 7:00 p.m. It is highly recommended for parents and students to attend this informative meeting about course selection, graduation requirements, and begin the conversation of college selection/admission process.   This is a great opportunity for parents and students to come and have their questions answered prior to individual junior conferences which will take place in January.    We look forward to seeing everyone November 2nd.     Nicholas Capuano Principal
Posted by NCapuano  On Sep 17, 2018 at 9:37 AM
To Parents of Students in Grades 7-12 Report cards for the first marking period are online for students in the Middle School and High School. You can access your child’s report card through the PowerSchool portal, the link to the portal is on the high school home page     PowerSchool has been upgraded to "single parent sign-in".   Please use the instructions that were sent home in the summer mailing to set up a parent account. If you have trouble accessing the portal please contact the Guidance Office 201-444-7400 ext. 212.   If you have any questions regarding grades please contact your child’s teacher. I encourage you to check your child’s grades throughout the school year and contact their teachers if you have any concerns.   Nicholas Capuano Principal
Posted by NCapuano  On Sep 17, 2018 at 9:36 AM
To Parents of Students in Grades 7-12 Final report cards are online for students in the Middle School and High School.  You can access your child’s report card through the PowerSchool portal, a link to the portal is on the high school home page.     Grades for the 2016-2017 school year will remain online until July 9th   Report cards will be mailed home to parents.   Nicholas Capuano Principal
Posted by NCapuano  On Sep 17, 2018 at 9:36 AM
Dear Parents and Guardians of the 8th Grade Class, On February 6, 2017 a letter went home stating that Midland Park Jr./Sr. High School was selected to participate in the NAEP assessment.  The assessment will be given on March 7, 2017. We encourage students who are selected to take it seriously and to do their best.  Results are confidential and have no bearings on their achievement at Midland Park Jr./Sr. High School.   Here is a link with additional information about NAEP:   If you have additional questions, please contact Elizabeth Chase at (201)444-7400 or at [email protected].   Thank you,
Posted by NCapuano  On Sep 17, 2018 at 9:35 AM
To Parents of Students in Grades 7-12   Report cards for the first marking period are online for students in the Middle School and High School. You can access your child’s report card through the PowerSchool portal, the link to the portal is on the high school home page     If you have any questions regarding grades please contact your child’s teacher. I encourage you to check your child’s grades throughout the school year and contact their teachers if you have any concerns.   Nicholas Capuano Principal
Posted by NCapuano  On Sep 17, 2018 at 9:35 AM
September 13, 2018 Dear Parents/Guardians: Midland Park High School participated in a law enforcement activity today involving local and county officials and resources.  These resources included the use of canine officers.  This activity was a planned initiative of our school district and local law enforcement personnel.  This cooperative and proactive initiative is aimed at maintaining a safe and secure school environment for all members of our school community. The activity that took place on Thursday, September 13, 2018 is part of a continuing and evolving plan, which includes educational activities, prevention activities and enforcement activities.  The use of local and county police resources, including canine patrol, may be repeated at various times for the remainder of the school year and in the future.  Today’s activities were cooperatively planned and implemented, so too will all future educational, preventative, and enforcement efforts.  It is the intention of all facets of our school community – students, teachers, parents, law enforcement, and school district personnel – to maintain a safe, secure, and substance-free school environment.  Our students, faculty, staff and community deserve no less. Our efforts in this area will continue as we strive to maintain an appropriate school environment.  Should you have any questions or wish to provide pertinent information, please feel free to contact us.  We hope that we will have your support in this important and timely activity.  It is our goal in continuing these initiatives and to maintain a safe and substance-free school environment Sincerely, Nicholas Capuano Principal
Posted by NCapuano  On Sep 13, 2018 at 10:56 AM
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