Music Theory

                     Welcome to Mrs. Halliwell's Music Theory Class 2024&2025
                                                   Email: [email protected]
Classroom code: xt2etrv

Music Theory, grades 9-12, is the study of the structure of music with applications of such in basic piano skills and composition and aural skills.

To be in music theory:
1.  Be enrolled Choir and/or Band.
2.   Know the staff notes in both treble and bass clef, and have a basic knowledge of major scale construction.

Assessments include:
Written classwork/homework
Music First Assessments
Aural Skills
Keyboard playing assignments
Classwork/Homework Policy
1.  Students MUST bring Chromebook to all classes.
2.  All composition work will be done on Music First Classroom and will be graded according to rubric on the site.  The site for the Music First suite is:
Below is a link to help you with staff notes and basic knowledge that will help you in your coursework: