Midland Park High School Madrigals
Mrs. Donna Halliwell, Director
Madrigal Classroom code: 5bfuwqc

[email protected]

 Madrigals is a select group of singers that are enrolled in High School Choir
All students in Madrigals must audition at the beginning of the year
Madrigals is an extra curricular activity

Madrigals perform at:       
        Winter Concerts in December (HS & JR High)

Spring Concert in April (HS & JR. High), Madrigal Show
2024 Madrigal show is: Friday 5/16/25 with the possibility of another performance
Rehearsals:  *Monday night according to schedule on the Madrigals Classroom

*more rehearsals for the Madrigal show at the end of the year

Attend Monday evening  rehearsals and extra rehearsals for Madrigal Show 
Attend all concerts and performances
Fulfill ALL CHOIR CLASS responsibilities
Perfect pitch or excellent relative pitch
    Excellent sight reading skills
Solo ability
Ability to blend with rest of ensemble

*students who miss Monday night rehearsals and extra rehearsals for Madrigal Show will be not be allowed to perform or  subject to removal from the group upon discretion of director