Spring Sports Registration
February 14th, 2025
Dear Parents/Guardians:
Spring sports registration has officially opened. If your child is interested in taking part in one of our Spring sports offerings please read the following information and complete the registration process. No student athlete will be allowed to begin practicing until they have completed the online registration process, submitted all necessary paperwork to the high school nurse, and cleared by the school physician.
Spring Season Sport Options:
High School (Start Date 3/10/25): Baseball, Softball, Spring Track & Field, Golf, Boys Tennis
Middle School (Start Date 4/7/25): Baseball (7th-8th), Softball (7th-8th), Spring Track & Field (6th-8th)
In an attempt to streamline the process there have been a few updates to the Preparticipation Physical Evaluation (PPE) process for athletics in the state of NJ. Please read below:
Athletic Pre-Participation Physical Examination Forms are still required and are valid for 365 days from the exam date. The physical must be valid at the start of each season. If the current physical expires before the beginning of practice, a new physical is required. However, please note that this form is no longer submitted to the school and should instead be kept on file with your student-athlete’s primary care physician.
The new PPE Medical Eligibility Form is now the only document submitted to the school nurse after completing a new physical. This form must be filled out by your student-athlete’s doctor and then returned directly to the school nurse to confirm medical eligibility for sports participation.
Health History Update Form is now integrated into the Online Sports Registration Process, eliminating the need to submit it as a separate document. When registering your student-athlete for a sport, you will complete the Health History Update within the online platform, ensuring a streamlined and efficient process.
Midland Park now accepts the PPE Medical Eligibility Form in person or via email. Email forms to Pantherphysicals@mpsnj.org or .abaker@mpsnj.org. Attach the forms to a blank email and include the student’s first name, last name, and sport in the subject line.
Mr. Patrick Clark
Athletic Director/Assistant Principal