French Class Policy



Homework: French 1 (grade 7 and 8), 2, 3

Journal: Students will keep a journal during this year to answer a question at the end of the class.  They will answer these questions IN WRITING in their journal (copies of weekly journal pages will be distributed weekly).  They will need to make sure they edit the answers, if necessary, as we go over them in class. If a student was absent or did not complete the exit slip at the end of the class, he/she is responsible to complete it at home.  Journal questions will be used for quizzes and tests.

Review: Students will be made aware  of any upcoming quizzes or tests and what they need to review for them at home. Any assignments not completed in class will need to be completed for homework.

 Homework: French 4H, 5AP

There will be daily and long-term homework assignments. Certain aspects of grammar students are required to review on their own and complete exercises.  TIME MANAGEMENT IS IMPORTANT

Journal: Students will keep a journal  during this year to answer a question in the beginning of the class.  They will answer these questions IN WRITING in their journal.  Students will need to make sure they edit the answers, if necessary, as we go over them in class. Some of the questions will be used for quizzes and tests. 

Independent Reading/Listening:  students will be assigned a print and an audio source to work on and answer comprehension questions. Students will then share their answers in a class discussion. 

EXTRA CREDIT French 4H: limited to 20 points formative or 10 points summative per quarter: to earn a point towards a test or a quarterly assessment, students may complete i-passport activities from their EMC textbook. i-videos, watch any video. Writing by hand, complete the following assignment: Answer personal questions marked by the person icon. (2 points total per question added to formative assessment or 1 to summative )

Answer questions marked by the icon with a cup (4 points total per video added to formative assessment or 2 to summative)


absolutely no GOOGLE TRANSLATION, no copying from each other!!!


PLEASE SUBMIT YOUR EXTRA CREDIT WORK ALL IN ONE HAND WRITTEN DOCUMENT -  AT LEAST 2 WEEKS BEFORE THE END OF THE MARKING PERIOD. In your document write the questions as well as draw wither a person or a cup next to each question so I know what kind of credit to give you.


Absences/Late submissions 

 It is the student’s responsibility to contact the teacher regarding any missed assignments or make an after-school appointment to receive the necessary help. Assignments missed due to an absence will have an extended deadline equal to the days missed. Late home or classroom formative assignments will be given  50% credit if submitted no later than one day after the deadline. An e-mail from a parent stating that the assignments were not completed due to technical problems  will grant a full credit. Students submitting late assignments must contact the teacher at [email protected] to notify that the assignments are submitted.


Students will have an option to sign out a physical textbook for which they will be responsible. Students may choose to use the online edition instead. Headphones need to be brought to every class as well as dry-erase markers and erasers. Students will need to designate a section in their binder or a separate notebook for their journal

Extra help for French outside of the classroom:

Please come for extra help as soon as you are having difficulties. Prior arrangement will need to be made at least a day in advance. Tutoring may be arranged with the French Club members


French culture and language outside of the classroom:

All students are encouraged to join the French Club.  Activities will include food tasting, cultural exchanges and games, mini-plays, movie nights, trips. To be considered an active member, students will need to commit to

  1.  attending a total of ten sessions per year.
  2. participating twice in a bake sale (cooking and running the sale), if approved by the administration 
  3. participating in a bonbon sale, if approved by the administration


           French club members will receive extra credit points towards the summative assessment grade and discounts on trips


10% - PARTICIPATION  - Student participation in class will be assessed according to the rubric every 2-3 weeks (depending on continuity of classes)  -  see the rubric below.  Interim student self-assessments will be offered to reflect and improve their participation. Some assignments checked in class will be marked as collected which will be reflected in the participation grade


40% - FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT  - TO  MEASURE LEARNING PROGRESS in the domains of listening, reading, speaking and writing, GIVE FEEDBACK AND ADJUST INSTRUCTION (journal, verbathons (see below), quizzes, essential questions, discussion rubric (grades 9-12),  Independent Reading. Independent grammar review (4H and 5 AP)

AP practice tests 

50 %  - SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT – TO MEASURE THE ABILTY TO APPLY  SKILLS (tests *, performance-based assessment (see details below)

AP practice tests -  graded on progressive rubric 60 % correct will count as 100% in the first quarter;  80 correct will count as 100% in the second quarter; 100% correct will count as 100 % in the third quarter.


*Students may RETAKE any summative assessment test graded 70% or below within one week of the original test.  Simply schedule a time and then relearn the material before the retake. Your grade will be adjusted as the average of your old and new grade. 

Verbathons will be given regularly and are only considered passed with a score of 100%. Students may retake verbathons an unlimited number of times within the marking period, after or before school

extra credit for tests: participation in the French Club, or ask the teacher for exrtra assignments

Types of Performance-bases assessment

1. Oral Reports     The students will need to do research individually or in groups about a given topic. After they have completed their research, the students will prepare an oral presentation or a video to present to the class. The main component of this project will be the oral production of the target language.

2. Original Stories     The students will write an original fictional story. The students will be asked to include several specified grammatical structures and vocabulary words. This assignment will be assessed analytically, each component will have a point value.

3. Skit     The students will work in groups in order to create a skit about a real-world situation. They will use the target language. The vocabulary used should be specific to the situation. The students will be assess holistically, based on the overall presentation of the skit.

4. I Art Work/ Designs/Drawings      This is a creative way to assess students. They can choose a short story or piece or writing, read it and interpret it. Their interpretation can be represented through artistic expression. The students will present their art work to the class, explaining what they did and why.

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