Digital Photography 1 and 2

Welcome to Digital Photography I and II with Mrs. Dorlon

Digital Photography 1 Course Description: In Digital Photography students are expected to develop talent in and enjoyment of the creative arts. Digital Photography is a one semester specialized course that will provide interested students with insights and experiences in photographic composition, DSLR cameras, creative problem solving skills, and the ability to exercise critical judgments.

Course Sequence:
Unit 1: Photography Basics – 2 weeks
Unit 2: Copyrighting – 1 week
Unit 3: Composition – 3 weeks
Unit 4: Portrait Photography – 2 weeks
Unit 5: The Exposure Triangle – 3 weeks
Unit 6: Photoshop – 3 weeks
Unit 7: Famous Photographers/Final Project

Digital Photography 2 Course Description: is a course that utilizes cameras, computers, and photo printers to explore technical, artistic and commercial aspects of photography. Students will be encouraged to be independent and creative. At the conclusion of this course, students will prepare a portfolio and they will exhibit their work in a show.

Course Sequence: Unit 1: Camera Proficiency - 4 weeks
Unit 2: Photojournalism and Publication - 4 weeks
Unit 3: Portrait Photography - 3 weeks
Unit 4: Creative Photography - 6 weeks
Unit 5: Portfolio and Presentation - 2 week

Digital Photography 1 is a Pre-Requisite
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