Midland Park Jr./Sr. High School
Athletic Booster Association, Inc.
250 Prospect Street
Midland Park, NJ 07432
The MPHS Athletic Booster Association commonly referred to, as the “Boosters” is a parent volunteer organization that works to support the students and athletic program of MPJr/SrHS. Our mission is to provide the teams, coaches, and student athletes with the resources and recognition that they truly deserve. We also work to enhance their environment and opportunities toward creating a more memorable and rewarding high school experience. This is achieved through your membership dues, which provides much needed tangible items as well as creating and supporting school spirit events.
Some of the items and events that the Boosters has helped fund recently include:
MPHS Gymnasium Renovation
Water Bottle Refilling Fountain
Track Tent
Basketball Scoreboard,
Baseball & Soccer Scoreboard
Baseball Dugouts
Seasonal Awards & Plaques
Senior Scholarships
Tournament T-shirts
Championship Sweatshirts
Athletic Photo Bulletin Board
Annual Sports Journal
Senior Game Celebrations
and Spirit Week
Visit the Booster's Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1549578488603770/ to see pics of your favorite MP Athletes. Have pictures to post? Contact Nicky Warner at [email protected]
Your pics just might be showcased on the Booster's Bulletin Board at MPHS.
Thank you photographers!
MP Jr/Sr HS Athletic Booster Association Team:
Executive Board
President: Nicky Warner
Vice- President: Laurie TenKate
Treasurer: Teresa Formicola
Recording Secretary: Carol Marie Fleming
Standing Committee Chairpersons
Membership: Laurie TenKate
Membership Gift: Eileen Russell
Hall of Fame: OPEN / Staff Member OPEN
Scholarship: Melissa Schott
Ways and Means: Heather Hendersen
Newsletter: Mandi Detrick
Grants: Nicky Warner
Pack the House: OPEN
Athletic Director: Patrick Clark
BOE Liaison: Rich Formicola